How to update the site

Editors guide

2 types of updates

Launch calendar
Fill out the pre-created form
No images/columns added
Build/Launch Site Updates
Discord command (ac-update {update here})
Images, media, links

Step 1

Start by logging in with your credentials

Choose the page you want to edit and click on the correct link below. The login page will appear in a new tab. Enter your credentials and then see the next step of this tutorial.

Step 2

Change the content you want to edit

Be really careful with this step. Make sure to only scroll to the section you want to edit. Click on the text and enter your edit. If you're finished and happy with the result, see the next step.


If you delete something accidentially, just don't click update, close the tab and start again.

Step 3

Publish your edit

Now enter your username from Discord and the correct date in the provided spaces of the update section. Now click on the update button on the lower left of your screen. Your change is now live!


If you delete something accidentially, just don't click update, close the tab and start again.

Bot command:


Use the command like that:

  1. Type ac-update
  2. Now write your update
  3. If you have media in form of a link include that, otherwise upload the image directly to Discord
  4. Send your update. The bot will answer with a message and 2 reactions. Use one of those reactions to choose the category of your update.
  5. If the process was sucessfull, the bot will respond with the message "Update sent".